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Friday, August 23, 2013
AntiCollectorCustoms repaired Marvel Legends Showdown thing 2 pack SPIDER-MAN
left arm and left foot broke. I was able to drill and glue a screw into his arm and leg which now works as a joint. it added articulation to his left foot as now it a ball and socket. and it didn't hurt the elbow as the the lower half of the elbow hinge was too tight to move anyway.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
AntiCollectorCustoms Patrick Stuart X-MEN movie PROFESSOR X CHARLES XAVIER with wheelchair 3.75" scale (semi-obsolete)
Cerebro is a helmet with a tube glued to it.
President Lex Luthor from Superman & Batman Public Enemies
made a good stiff body for the wheel chair.
I pried him open and sanded down his coattails to get him to sit better.
2 in existence, the second I sold on ebay years ago but with lex luthor's head.
Galoob did a good likeness on Patrick Stuart.
Avatar's Jake Sully's wheelchair with Burger King X-Men Evolution xes glued to the spokes.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
TOYBOX LABORATORY is a cheat! AntiCollectorCustoms collaboration piece: Marvel Universe TERRAX Galactus Harold 3.75" scale legends baf SCULPTED BUT UNPAINTED!
Was supposed to be SCULPTED and PAINTED by TOYBOX LABORATORY but he sculpted and stole $600 worth of toys from me, leaving these unpainted. I have since painted them with my 8yo.
AntiCollectorCustoms Iron Man 2 Comic Series Harry Osbourne IRON PATRIOT
I painted a Mark VI and glued the MU star onto his chest.
I gave him a Captain America movie shield with a metallic back too for good measure.
I have a Super Hero Squad Expo Air Assault helmet for the MU Harry head because of my obsession with removable helmets.
Monday, August 19, 2013
AntiCollectorCustoms Curious George and the Man in the Yellow Hat (vinatge park ranger figure)
If anyone knows the figure I used for my pallet please let me know. I forgot to take a before picture. I should make his hat taller and I did have to shave his shins back to get the right affect.
No, this is not George. It is actually Bubbles from Dragonball Z (King Kai's life mate). I have always been confused as to whether bubbles was supposed to be a chimp or a monkey. If he is a chimp, they don't have tails. So, I sanded it off.
AntiCollectorCustoms Marvel Universe vintage Secret Wars DR. DOOM (DOCTOR VICTOR VON DOOM) demasked online exclusive Infinity Gauntlet
I had to drammel inside his hood to fit over his collar.
Vintage 80s Secret Wars Holster.
Marvel Online exclusive head sculpt.
Glassman Custom head sculpt.
My father's sculpt on an anonymous bald resin cast head from Star Wars Geek.
I did the rings of his collar.
Hollowed out bendable Vader helmet.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
AntiCollectorCustoms Capture Trap Ben Reilly Amazing Spiderman made for good (monster claw) Spider-Carnage
I switched out some limbs and hot-glued some elbow+neck sockets to make this one work. I had to swipe some MU Black Widow web cartridges too. Too easy...
(Web Strike was too dainty to support the Carnage parts, but I commissioned some green stuff work and I have an alternate removable mask version pending.)

(Web Strike was too dainty to support the Carnage parts, but I commissioned some green stuff work and I have an alternate removable mask version pending.)
TOYBOX LABORATORY is a cheat! 6 Six-Armed Amazing Spider-Man: challenge in dainty wall-crawlers...
I made 2, but 1 was stolen from me by Toybox Laboratory along with $600 more toys.
When Mega Cannon Spider-Man came along I whispered, "Finally, a figure that can hold some extra shoulder joints," to myself. Grappling Hook Spider-Man had naked arms like they should be. So I plucked two sets of grappling arms from unsuspecting figures and drilled holes in Mega Cannon to insert the grappling arms. hot glue, vaseline, and some green stuff to hold it all together. This scale was not meant to have so many arms.
Like this 90s figure...
I will be sculpting an alternate Man-Spider mask as well as a Doppleganger mask. Stay tuned...
Obsolete AntiCollectorCustoms before Marvel Universe did a Commander Steve Rogers, when the movie figures had come out...
I took a movie Comic Series Wave 2 Heroic Age (Bucky Captain America) figure and painted it to look like Steve Rogers. I used the non-Public-Enemies Infinite Heroes Crisis Captain Atom head for it. Sure enough, another obsolete custom...
AntiCollectorCustoms MU Warpath variant or DC 3.75" scale baf Apache Chief? you decide...
I decided to do Apache Chief on this scale because I like Super Friends.
Warpath seemed the natural choice of pallet.
I have also used the Mortal Kombat Mk9 4 Inch Action Figure Nightwolf head.
I gave him a Quinlan Vos skirt (holster cut off) and I sewed a vest.
I also installed nipples and a navel. I dislike anatomical incorrectness.
AntiCollector is my name. This is my aesthetic.
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